
Sweet deal for Low Carb High Fat products as Green Cell Technologies and Food Genie collaborate to offer global licensees a winning recipe

Global biotechnology company Green Cell Technologies and South African food manufacturer, Food Genie have collaborated to formulate and produce a range of low carb high fat (LCHF) pre-mixed ingredients that are now on offer to global licensees wishing to take advantage of this growing market.

Lifestyle diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and gluten intolerance, are increasing at alarming rates. Mirroring this growth is the demand to provide ‘clean’ and ‘junk free’ foodstuffs that can service this market, and deliver alternatives to reactive pharmaceuticals and supplements (a declining sector). ‘Eat yourself healthy’ has become a universal call – one that has now been answered.

However, eating healthy does not mean that products like breads, muffins, pizza bases, granolas and energy bars need to be sugar laden, un-tasty, expensive and off the menu. “Quite the opposite” confirmed Gaby Spilken, food technologist and partner at Food Genie, “by using the patented Dynamic Cellular Disruption (DCD) process, we have been able to develop a series of balanced pre-mixed ingredients using a combination of seeds, nuts and natural sugar replacements that meet the exacting demands of Paleo, Banting, and, Atkins, Diabetics as well as ADD, ADHD and, they are gluten free.” They are also pocket friendly and therefore appeal to a much bigger market than other specialised goods in this sector.

In addition to the range of dried goods, there is a selection of chocolates that meet all the above requirements and will please many a sweet tooth. Again using DCD, a gourmet array of natural flavours can be added – to order – further boosting the delectability of the offering.

The secret ingredient for success however, is the use of DCD, which opens up all of the molecules in the plant material and through the use of GCT’s proprietary drying method; the ingredients are processed into their varying formulas, having harvested almost 100% of the available goodness. In the case of the chocolates, the flavourings are made in advance and added to the DCD’d chocolate for maximum effect.

International Flavour

The rise of environmental toxins, coupled with increased sugar and alcohol intake is negatively influencing gut flora and digestion in human beings.   As a result the number of gluten sensitive and intolerant people is growing. Add to this, the fact that one person dies every seven seconds from diabetes (International Diabetes Federation 2014) and with more than 34% of Americans suffering from metabolic syndrome and therefore more likely to have high blood pressure, strokes, coronary heart disease or heart attacks, it’s no wonder that LCHF is catching on and with it, these products.

The products have been successfully tested and retailed in the South African market that has seen an explosion in LCHF foods thanks to the release of a diet and eating regime popularised and proven by Sports Scientist, Professor Tim Noakes. They are now starting to find favour internationally and to this effect, Green Cell Technologies is open to offers from potential licensing partners to assist it in growing its worldwide footprint.

“Our combined expertise lies in creating and innovating quality products that meet consumer and industry requirements in every category we are involved in, and then future proofing them. As the request for these products has grown to such an extent, and as we are not retailers or distributors, we are now seeking the right partners to actively take these products to market with a long term view to listing” concluded Roy Henderson, CEO of Green Cell Technologies.

Interested parties are requested to send an email to: and see for more information.

About Green Cell Technologies

Green Cell Technologies is a global biotechnology and Intellectual Property Development Company specialising in formulating and building advanced solutions to world nutrition sustainability.

With a growing population and shrinking agricultural footprint, people are hungry and sick. Green Cell Technologies (GCT) overcomes the threat to food productivity through the use of its patented Disruptor machines and Dynamic Cellular Disruption (DCD) processes, which it sells under license to manufacturers and processors around the world.